6 Scientifically Proven Ways to Increase Your Tips as a Server
I have to admit, while I've had a lot of jobs, I've never been a server. Â I don't have the best personality… [more]

Personal Capital Review – All Your Financials in One Spot
Personal Capital is a one-stop shop for aggregating all your financial information in one spot in an… [more]

Robots and Automation Are Taking American Jobs – Think Your Job is Safe?
You'd think the same headline would be the prominent theme of every year since the 1800s. After all,… [more]

How I Got My Kids Excited About Saving and Investing
I credit a great deal of my financial and career success in life to the way I was brought up and the… [more]

Does This Piss You Off? We Pay Unemployment for Seasonal Workers Repeating the Same Pattern EVERY Year
I've had it.  This weekend was another case of my hearing  about someone openly bragging about… [more]