How to Easily Get $99 Back from Amazon from Late Prime Shipments (Which Always Happen!)

July 31, 2016

I saw a blurb on Twitter a while back about getting a free month of Amazon Prime every time a Prime shipment was late based on their Terms and Conditions. I was a bit skeptical, but after trying it out with a few of my late orders and getting immediate relief, it’s true!  You can, […]

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What I Really Think of Donald Trump and His Chances of Winning

April 3, 2016

It’s certainly been interesting to watch Donald Trump’s popularity and performance in the months leading up to the presidential vote.  He definitely fared better than I would have given him credit for.  We’re just so used to seeing the same lame old establishment candidates locking up the nomination much earlier.  I find it hard to […]

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Darwin’s Picks, Pans and Saving Tips for 2015

January 1, 2015

It’s 2015 and I haven’t written much of late, so I wanted to share my favorite tips, tricks, recommendations(and disappointments you should avoid) and would love your advice on a few things.  This post is a bit long, so I’ve broken it out into a few sections to try and maintain some semblance of organization. […]

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Growing Your Business Leads Through LinkedIn

May 1, 2014

As you’ve probably read before, an old college buddy and I started up an AutoCAD outsourcing business a few years ago.  It’s been successful enough that he’s been able to quit his day job as a Civil Engineer and run the business full-time.  We took a multi-pronged approach to acquiring leads and converting them to […]

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You Are Hard-Wired for Irrational Thinking – Here’s How to Overcome

January 29, 2014

Since this is a finance blog, I’m going to try to tie these concepts back to financial decisions where applicable, but since I’ve become increasingly frustrated with how people around me (and in the media) think, I had to write about the topic. Let’s start at the top. Humans, through millions of years of evolution, […]

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Beware! Cyber Monday “Deal” at Amazon is 47% MORE Expensive Than it was on Black Friday!

December 2, 2013

I was in the market for a new TV and figured Amazon would be usual place to buy given their low prices and free shipment. Thus, on Friday, after researching televisions heavily based on Consumer Reports and my needs, I arrived at a Samsung smart TV 50″ LCD/LED.  I bought it on Friday for $647 […]

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Buying Bitcoins in America

November 29, 2013

So, I bought a bitcoin. When I saw that Congress was discussing digital currencies and new bitcoin price records were getting daily mentions on CNBC and other mainstream outlets, I decided it was time to take a ride (purely speculation, not an “investment”). It’s not a simple process, especially in America, so I’ll walk you […]

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Yet Another Faulty Investment Strategy I Keep Hearing About

November 24, 2013

I was eating lunch with a co-worker today and he told me how he was getting completely out of stocks in his 401(k) account and switching to all cash and bonds. When I asked why, he acted like I was a dope and said, “the market is up over 20% so far this year. Since […]

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Merchants CAN and DO Charge You Extra for Credit Card Usage

November 10, 2013

I was picking up a pizza this weekend and was perturbed by the sign stating “3% Extra for Credit Cards”.  Not only is accepting credit cards a normal business practice and a convenience for customers, but for years, it was explicitly disallowed by the credit card companies.  So, since I only had a ten on […]

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The Best Gadget I’ve Bought in Years – And It Saves Me Money!

November 6, 2013

By now you’ve probably heard about the Nest Thermostat. I already had a programmable thermostat so I was hesitant to spend money again on what I viewed as just a “slightly smarter” smart thermostat. But now that I’ve installed it (5 minute job, no exaggeration) and have a few months of utility bills to contrast […]

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Economist Writes Book on Pregnancy Stats, Myths, Realities-Rational Thinking Ensues

October 21, 2013

I just listened to an interview with an economist author who happened to have undergone a recent pregnancy and realized that most of the advice given to women these days is either spotty, or egregiously over conservative – flat out wrong in many cases.  As a guy who writes about finance, you’re probably wondering what […]

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Why You’re Best-Off Ignoring the Media on Government Shutdown News

October 12, 2013

People that hang on the every word of each media outlet and shouting head pundit on the cable networks are doing themselves more harm than good.  I’ve seen this play out over and over again where people will go and sell all their stocks and switch to bonds or cash whenever the media starts drumming […]

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Gas Prices Drop Big-Time – How to Lock in These Prices as a Routine Consumer

October 7, 2013

Over the past 2 weeks, we’ve seen gasoline prices in the US dip more than we’ve seen in over a year with a precipitous 14 cent drop according to a Lundberg survey out this weekend. On average, drivers paid $3.38 per gallon which is the lowest since 2012. There are always several factors at play […]

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Reason #97 Public Pensions Are Wrecking America

September 26, 2013

While many working-class Americans have now since retired on public-sector pensions rather comfortably, the reality is that many cities and municipalities are finally realizing they wrote checks they couldn’t cash and the bill is due.  Similar to the notion of Social Security, which was enacted when the average American life expectancy was only a few […]

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Fair Trade Coffee is a Farce – Americans Love a Good Story

September 7, 2013

One of the latest trends gripping apologist Americans is the “Fair Trade” movement whereby they basically agree to pay more money for a good or service (Fair Trade Coffee is one of the more popular categories) than what it’s actually worth.  In doing so, the story goes, these higher margins ensure better working conditions for […]

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Taking on a Crooked Attorney – Stories and Advice

August 18, 2013

Years ago when my father died, the “family attorney” had my mom sign a form to execute the will based on a percentage of the estate.  Since she trusted him and it was a day after his death, she signed without thinking that he might be ripping her off.  It was as simple an estate […]

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Is It Time to Buy Gold Yet?

August 7, 2013

Over the years, I’d been relatively agnostic on gold.  I used to favor stocks over all other asset classes just given the long term returns, volatility and underlying fundamentals.  Then I started to consider my very high concentration in equities and branch out a bit.  First off, I got into rental real estate at a […]

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My Strange Experience Buying “Suits” at JosABank

August 5, 2013

So, I got a new job yay! (Here’s the Interview Question That Threw Me for a Loop).  I will need to take my attire more seriously since I’ll be dealing with company executives both within and external to my firm now rather than running all my meetings over the phone.  Recognizing that I’ve been wearing […]

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Auto Insurers “Discriminate” Based On Your Job and Salary. Fair or Foul?

July 28, 2013

There’s a “controversial” report out this week that’s got people up in arms about “discrimination” because several auto insurers were shown to use job status, education status and salary as a determinant in setting auto rates. Using a fake profile of a factory worker with a high school degree versus a plant supervisor with a […]

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Here’s How Much a Rooftop Carrier Killed Our Gas Mileage

July 23, 2013

We recently took a trip to the the Carolinas and traveled ~1000 miles round-trip.  Because we aren’t very good at prioritizing our “stuff” both in our home and when we travel, we’ve had to resort to the dreaded roof-top carrier whenever we vacation.  I always feel like we overpacked once we get there but oh […]

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How Inflation Screws the Poor the Most

July 7, 2013

With all this talk of inflation on the horizon while the US and Europe print money like it’s goin’ outta’ style, it’s instructive to evaluate what the impact of hyperinflation would be on you, the people you know, and the country at large.  Without expounding on historical interest rates, the correlation between gold and the […]

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5 Foolish Things Americans Believe About Money and Investing

June 23, 2013

There are all sorts of misconceptions about finance, business, taxes, investing and economics that people believe.  Sometimes I’ve been guilty myself.  So, here are 5 of my current pet peeves and I’d like to hear what yours are as well: “He Only Donates to Charity Because He Needs the Writeoff” – This is utter nonsense. […]

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The Student Loan Crisis: Reducing Debt While Going to School

June 18, 2013

With the United States suffering from a $1 trillion student debt crisis, many prospective college students are wondering, “Is it really worth it?” There is no doubt that in today’s competitive job market; candidates need every advantage they can get, including a college degree. However, for many people, the cost of earning that degree is […]

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5 Reasons You Should NEVER, EVER Sell Your Pension

June 2, 2013

Over the past several years, we’ve seen every manner of “financial innovation” which ultimately led to hardship. We’ve seen the securitization of mortgage loans which helped fuel the housing boom/bust, we’ve seen reverse mortgages leaving many seniors and heirs in the dust and now, there’s a major move afoot to buy pensions from Americans. Sure, […]

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Target Date Fund Shenanigans

May 19, 2013

I was reading my local paper today and it reminded me of the shenanigans that continues to ensue with respect to “Target Date Funds”.  Many investment plans and almost all major mutual fund companies now offer these target date funds that claim to provide the right mix of stocks and bonds (basically, to optimize returns […]

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What To Do With All That Money

April 26, 2013

A lot of finance sites focus on getting out of debt or making more money.  However, what is seldom discussed is what to do if you actually have “too much” money.  That may sound absurd at first, but think about it.  Many people oversave and worry about running out of money so much during their […]

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5 Reasons Why Bitcoins are the Dumbest Investment Ever

April 4, 2013

If you haven’t heard of bitcoins by now, you will soon.  They were recently profiled in this week’s BusinessWeek, they have skyrocketed since the Cyprus banking mess and in a nutshell, it’s an alternative currency play which resides in cyberspace only – there is no physical exchange, no regulatory oversight, not even an inkling as […]

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Report from Greece: Entitled, Lazy, Hate Americans, Blame the Immigrants

March 7, 2013

I was talking to a co-worker today who just got back from Greece to settle an estate.  I always find it fascinating to travel to other countries or to get first-hand accounts of what others have recently experienced when they travel abroad.  There’s plenty to criticize here in America, but I’ll tell ya, I wouldn’t […]

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Why Stocks Are Breaking Records and it’s Not a Bubble

March 5, 2013

So, we’ve seen the stock market continue to rally in the face of all sorts of should-be lousy news ranging from the re-election of “anti-biz” Obama to the end of the world sequestration that we have somehow survived thus far.  This momentum and continued rally in equities has many investors and analysts scratching their heads […]

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Americans Spend Less and Less on Groceries Each Year. So Why Are We Broke?

March 3, 2013

During my weekend BusinessWeek reading (the only periodical worth receiving in print still IMO), I came across this chart of household grocery spending over the past few decades which I found intriguing.  It shows that as a percent of annual post-tax income, Americans continue to spend increasingly less each year.  Less than ANY OTHER COUNTRY in fact. […]

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1/4 Americans Have More Credit Card Debt Than Savings – What Does That Really Mean?

February 27, 2013

There’s an article making the rounds this week that makes Americans look like crap.  Based on a recent survey, 24% of Americans have more credit card debt than assets held in emergency savings accounts.  On the face of it, that looks really bad.  1/4 is a highly representative number and we all know credit card […]

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Fee Only vs. Asset-Based Financial Planners

February 24, 2013

I think anyone can come to the conclusion that financial planners who are paid on a commission model are probably the worst choice for savers. But once you get past the idea of a financial planner paid on commission, what’s the right choice – fee only advisers or asset-based advisers? Pros and Cons of Fee […]

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“Expert Advice” on How Much Retirement Savings You Should Have At Your Age

February 17, 2013

There are a lot of articles and financial firms that give varying forms of advice on how much retirement savings you should have at a given age.  Recently, there was a report put out by Fidelity, a major 401(k) player outlining their advice in the table below.  We’ll take a look at their suggestions and […]

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These Mutual Funds Actually Beat The Index. And “The Market”

February 14, 2013

I usually deter investors from chasing hot mutual funds based on last year’s returns because they tend to have much higher costs and managers find it difficult to repeat the performance. In fact, most mutual fund, hedge fund and individual money manager outperformance in a given year is due solely to luck and not skill […]

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Why Raising the Minimum Wage is a Terrible Idea

February 13, 2013

The biggest problem with Americans today, and the politicians that pander to them, is that they make choices based on emotional effect and not on data.  This is why there’s no outrage over the budget-busting compensation of public sector employees like teachers, firefighters and police (yes, they all do important jobs, but the free market […]

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Become Better Diversified and Get Higher Stock Market Returns

February 10, 2013

Every investor knows that diversification is the most fundamental and important part of a good, long-term investment strategy. However, there is no clear cut definition for what “diversification” really means. How far do you take the idea of diversification? Do you stop at the number of stocks or bonds your hold, or do you look […]

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Why Hasn’t the Market Crashed Like the “Experts” Warned?

February 6, 2013

The investment “expert” and pundit world is full of both permabears and permabulls.  Both sets of blowhards are pretty annoying because they refuse to change their outlook regardless of a change in conditions and nobody is there to call out every expert that’s been wrong.  There’s no story there pointing out all the people who […]

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Saving Money on Ski Outings and Equipment – Real-Life Experience

February 3, 2013

I was not a skier as a kid. It was way to expensive, so it’s not something my parents ever even contemplated. However, when I met my wife, her family was full of avid skiers and she enjoyed it, so I took it up. I’ve never had a formal lesson but I’m good enough to […]

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Career Stuff: Highest Starting Salary Data, Those “Anonymous Work Surveys” and Career “Moves”

January 30, 2013

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted anything in the career category and had a few random thoughts buzzing around in my head so I thought I’d share. Salary Data – First off, there’s there annual “starting salary by major” report going around.  It’s posted at Forbes, but there’s an annoying slide show to […]

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Dollar Cost Averaging: Actual Results From the Past 10 Years

January 29, 2013

Dollar cost averaging is one of the most popular and basic investing tips out there when it comes to basic theory and practice.  There are many positives, and a few negatives worth considering if you’re going to dollar cost average your investments rather than use a different method.  To put the real results into perspective […]

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How Much Would You Sell a Kidney For? Seriously, Name your Price

January 27, 2013

I read the occasional story about someone selling a kidney for what amounts to a few hundred dollars or less in emerging markets and it begs the question as to what a fair price is for a kidney for an individual.  Circumstances vary, but people donate kidneys to loved ones and even strangers all the […]

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Committing Financial Adultery – Lurid Examples, Gray Areas and Your Stories

January 22, 2013

Financial adultery is a newer term you’re probably going to be hearing a lot more about.  This recent survey indicates that HALF, yes, half the people surveyed have committed financial infidelity.  As the economy languishes and people continue to struggle with low-paying jobs and increasingly burdensome amounts of student debt, this notion of couples hiding […]

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How I Negotiated 10% Off My Purchase When No Sale Was Being Offered

January 20, 2013

Have you ever seen a deal at a store that you passed on only to wish you took them up on it later?  At various times throughout the years, I’ve seen Home Depot, Lowes, and other big box retailers offering 10% off your purchase if you open a store credit card. Historically, I’ve always passed […]

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Could You Outsource Your Own Job to Watch Cat Videos All Day Like This Guy?

January 16, 2013

In one of the funnier stories I’ve come across lately, there’s a 6-figure developer who decided to outsource his entire job to China, still show up at the office each day to watch cat videos and do social media, email his boss an update at the end of each day, and then go home and […]

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Here’s My Budget Under a Microscope – FIXED and Variable Cost Reality

January 13, 2013

For all the talk about saving money by skipping the lattes and tearing Bounce sheets in half, many people don’t actually have any idea what their fixed costs are each month.  They know they spend up to – or over – their monthly paycheck, but they’re not really sure what’s fixed and what’s variable.  By […]

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Net Worth Analysis for 2012: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

January 8, 2013

I was reminded by a few different blogging buddies when doing their recaps of 2012 to look at my own Net Worth for 2012.  Everyone seems to calculate their net worth differently (if at all).  These days, a lot of people are switching over to a free service from Personal Capital to keep everything in […]

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Definitive Evidence That Your Fellow American is a Moron

January 6, 2013

In case you had any doubt that you are surrounded by complete and utter idiots any time you leave your residence, I present you with this national survey from Consumer Reports.  I was reading along this weekend from one of the few periodicals I enjoy and happened upon this survey.  I was a bit surprised […]

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This is the Only Stock I’ve Bought in Months. And It’s a BEAST

January 2, 2013

I haven’t been a very active “trader” in the past few years; I’ve started to focus more on low cost investing (if you’re looking to save money on trading costs and get a $100 bonus to boot, OptionsHouse is the way to go-use link for promo code), the occasional market inefficiency trade (pairs trades, hedging […]

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Darwin’s Best of 2012 and What to Expect in 2013

December 28, 2012

With 2012 in the books, it’s been a great year for everything from financial experiences and successes to mistakes I’ve learned from and opportunities I’ve identified for 2013 to further improve our finances, business opportunities, career moves and more.  Here are a few of my top posts from this year and I’ll close with some […]

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Poll: Has the Fiscal Cliff Uncertainty Affected Your Spending or Financial Plans at All?

December 23, 2012

There are 2 main camps when it comes to economics and politics – some feel that people and businesses will go about their routine patterns of spending, saving, investing and hiring regardless of any “uncertainty” and another camp that feels all the uncertainty we’re constantly facing gives people and leaders pause, which constantly constrains behavior […]

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FICA Limit in 2013 – What’s Changing and Why

December 21, 2012

The FICA Tax that most Americans pay either through our routine W-2 paychecks or through self-employment taxes is set to change in 2013 in a few ways, so I thought I’d get you thinking about what’s coming and how it may impact your personal finances next year.  But first, a few basics: What is the […]

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Going off the Cliff Could be the Best Thing for America. [Weekend Reading]

December 20, 2012

Unsurprisingly, tonight was more drama with the fiscal cliff saga as House Speaker Boehner had to cancel the vote on the “Plan B” because it wouldn’t have enough votes to pass.  There are a ton of articles out there on what the fiscal cliff is and all the bad stuff that’s going to happen should […]

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Going Home for the Holidays in Style [Sponsored Video]

December 20, 2012

Who’s going home for the holidays?  Lucky us, we’re hosting both Christmas Eve and Christmas day so we trade the travel for a massive food and liquor bill.  But it’s all about family, so who’s complaining?  Anyway, if we WERE traveling for the holidays, I’d sure enjoy doing it in style.  Check out the video […]

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Robots and Automation Are Taking American Jobs – Think Your Job is Safe?

December 16, 2012

You’d think the same headline would be the prominent theme of every year since the 1800s. After all, we’ve seen a decline in the need from everything from lamplighters once electricity was invented to farm workers once farming equipment, tractors and trucks came along. However, for various reasons throughout 2012, there’s been a steady debate […]

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Why Relocating for a Job is So 1980

December 11, 2012

Nevada is the place to be a card counter, Kentucky is a haven for jockeys, and Florida is the best place to be a crocodile hunter. But unless you’re in one of these niche fields, the best state to work might just be your own. Relocating for a job is out, according to new research […]

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How I Got My Kids Excited About Saving and Investing

December 9, 2012

I credit a great deal of my financial and career success in life to the way I was brought up and the lessons I learned early in life.  When I look around at adults my age that make very poor financial decisions and have their finances in tatters, I also see a pattern where their […]

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Friend’s Cat Pisses on and Ruins Jackets, Purse: Who Pays?

December 5, 2012

I’m an animal lover, but cats really piss me off. My wife’s a cat person, I’m a dog person. So, we have both. While my dog barks to go out or feels terrible if he has an accident, we’ve had cats that piss on our stuff intentionally – just to be nasty. Either they’re mad […]

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The Cost of Lice: A Financial Evaluation from Recent Experience

December 2, 2012

Lice is nasty, I know.  But now that we’ve had the second brush with it from someone we know, and our kids were around the other affected kids last week, we’re going through our own precautionary measures ourselves to make sure it doesn’t pop up here – and it’s expensive!  A few months back, a […]

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$1 Trillion Student Loan Tab, Americans Ask “Where’s MY Bailout”?

November 29, 2012

Over the past few years, Americans have seen so many people, companies and entire industries bailed out, that naturally, they start wondering when they get “their bailout”, as if the multiple handouts the administration has doled out aren’t enough (a record 47 Million Americans on Food Stamps, unprecedented 99 weeks of unemployment, years of a […]

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Jeep’s Heroes Program – Worth a Look [Sponsored Video]

November 27, 2012

For younger Americans, there’s probably not a full appreciation for Jeep’s contributions to our armed forces and military experience going back generations.  As the video below outlines, Jeep first took our troops into battle in 1941 and has been a steady supporter of our initiatives and troops ever since. I was unaware of this, but […]

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Insider Trading Should Be Legal? Debunked

November 27, 2012

In what may be one of the dumbest articles to grace the front page of CNBC’s website, a so-called author Carol Roth advocates for the legalization of insider trading.  This piece of excrement was published here, but within, you’ll find a point by point rebuttal of this screed.  Here’s a sneak peak “what I am […]

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Cyber Monday Deals (for the Rational Shopper)

November 25, 2012

If you’re anything like me, you would never consider camping out on line with hordes of rabid shoppers to save money on something.  Invariably, Americans will return to the office Monday with the turkey hangover and wander over to their favorite retailers to buy something the easy way – online.  Well, actually, this year, it seems as […]

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How Much Can You Make Garbage-Picking in Suburbia?

November 20, 2012

Maybe you’re above trash-picking, but the guy who drives around my neighborhood on trash night isn’t.  Going back a few months, I remember a guy pulling up and picking up some old baby stuff we were tossing.  We usually donate or try to sell a few things on Craigslist, but this stuff was really bottom […]

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Reminder: Wash Sale Rules Don’t Apply to Capital Gains

November 18, 2012

Finance and taxation are inherently intertwined. Investors look for the best returns after-tax, which is why wealthy Americans invest disproportionately more in real estate and municipal bonds (which are rallying since Obama’s win), which provide valuable deductions and tax free federal income taxes respectively. The IRS has rules to prevent investors from taking tax losses […]

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Interesting Trends in Dividend Stocks, Munis 1 Week After Obama’s Win [CHART]

November 15, 2012

I haven’t done much with my portfolio over the past several months because I anticipated that regardless of who won the election, the fiscal cliff and its associated hikes in dividend tax rates would be resolved in short order and the market shouldn’t react too much one way or the other leading up to it. […]

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Tax Havens Offer Benefits for All

November 13, 2012

In a global economy it is no surprise that individuals and companies look to international markets to find the most beneficial environment for their money. Tax havens exist for this very reason, providing a legitimate and secure means for people to improve their tax position and maximize the return from their investments. Many billions of pounds are […]

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The #1 Thing You Need to Be Successful in Life (That Nobody Talks About)

November 11, 2012

The world abounds with experts purporting to hold the “secret” to success (yes, pun intended for that horrible video The Secret). The thing is, it’s often tied to a gimmick or some program they want you to buy. The reality is that there is one single behavior that I’ve found is instrumental in EVERY aspect […]

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Generator Ethics (and costs) Following Hurricane Sandy

November 5, 2012

What is your moral obligation to lend out your generator when others lose power and how far out of your way do you go to do so?  That’s a topic I’ve been thinking about now that we’ve had a series of really bad storms over the years where we’ve lost power for a day or […]

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No More Paycheck, but a Pre-Paid Debit Card? The End of Financial Literacy

November 4, 2012

This week, my younger brother, a college freshman, will start a new job at one of the largest retailers in the United States. Recently trained, he’s now ready to start. And he just found out how he’d be paid… A Prepaid Debit Card? Gone are the days of the paper check and the direct deposit. […]

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How Bad Is Your Health Insurance Increase for 2013?

November 1, 2012

The verdict is in for our plan – it’s a 9% increase year over year. Frankly, that’s a relief given the 47% increase we saw last year. It’s become somewhat comical how annual increases at 3-4 times the annual inflation rate continue unabated in categories like healthcare, commodities, college costs, textbooks and more. It’s just […]

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Frankenstorm: Bringing Out the Best and The Worst. And the Dumbest.

October 28, 2012

With the East Coast gripped in fear from Hurricane Sandy AKA Frankenstorm, I thought I’d share some of my personal observations and experiences as an East-Coaster as we brace for the storm of the century (of the year; ya know, cause each year there’s a storm of the century). People Wait Until the Day Before […]

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Can You Leave Your Kids Too Much Money?

October 21, 2012

Whitney Houston’s unexpected death has put a new subject into common financial discourse. She planned to leave her 19 year old daughter with $20 million. Houston’s mother and sister-in-law say that amount is simply too much; it won’t keep up with Houston’s “intent to provide long-term financial security and protection for her child.” At first, […]

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How Obamacare is Costing My “Middle-Class” Family More in 2013

October 15, 2012

Obama’s medical insurance legislation that was first billed as not being a “tax” (hilarious given the number of “fees” and “surcharges” it levies; even the Supreme Court could not pass up the opportunity to classify it as such), and also claimed that the plan would be “revenue neutral” (which it clearly won’t be if you […]

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The Kate Upton Effect and Self Directed IRAs

October 15, 2012

Brought to you by Broad Financial: The Kate Upton Effect is one which is familiar to any grown man who normally considers himself the paradigm of reasonable sensibility. In short, the effect consists of you scanning the news of the day and quickly noting everything of importance. Bernanke doubles down – check. Germany backs the […]

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Americans Subsidize the World’s Medical Costs – Fair?

October 14, 2012

The United States has the most expensive health care in the world. In 2010, the combined cost of public and private spending on medical care came to $8,233 per person in the United States. Putting the high price of medical spending in terms of GDP gives a true comparison. In the United States, 18.2% of […]

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3 Investment Methods Off the Beaten Path

October 9, 2012

Always one for highlighting investment themes and asset classes off the beaten path, I thought I’d share a few that have been catching more attention of late.  Many people reading this already have the traditional company/employer-sponsored investment plans and pension plans, but there are some ways to invest outside the normal stock/bond/income investment mix: World […]

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State Sends Illegal Immigrants Packing. And Nobody Wants the Jobs [Law of Unintended Consequences]

October 8, 2012

In yet another case of the law of unintended consequences (which virtually anyone could have predicted), Alabama’s HB56 law was meant to drive illegals out of the state to purportedly “free up jobs” for native Alabamians.  Well, guess how that worked out?  They don’t want the damn jobs.  See, it’s too easy to live off […]

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Does This Piss You Off? We Pay Unemployment for Seasonal Workers Repeating the Same Pattern EVERY Year

October 7, 2012

I’ve had it.  This weekend was another case of my hearing  about someone openly bragging about how they work for a season and then collect unemployment during the off-season, you know, because they were “laid off”.  This really just pisses me off.  I mean, not the people so much, because this is the scam our […]

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Guy Question: Do You Splurge If You Win Big at the Casino?

October 2, 2012

I love when I have a real life situation that’s totally a blog post.  I immediately email it to myself to remember for future reference, especially when there’s drinking involved and I’m not prone to remember too well.  So, this weekend, I was in Atlantic City with a relative and he hit it big on […]

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Investing in Tax Liens for Substantial Returns

September 30, 2012

What if you could turn $1,000 into a $100,000 home? Controversial as it might be, thousands of real estate investors are doing this every day of the week. It’s become a common topic in the media, which frequently runs stories like this one from CNN that profiles one person who lost her $85,000 home to […]

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How to Maintain the Ultimate Corporate Secret

September 25, 2012

I’ve always been impressed that Apple is able to keep their product specs (and new product launches) under wraps until the day of their choosing. That’s pretty impressive given the multitude of employees, consultants, contract manufacturers, third party carriers, ad agencies and all the other people that are aware of something big months, sometimes even […]

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First home buyers: How much can I borrow?

September 24, 2012

By Betsy Falwell “How much can I borrow?” It’s the first question you’ll hear from first home buyers. Before they think about anything else – like the location of their first home or the type of floor plan they want – they need to know the maximum amount of money they can get from a […]

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Why Target Date Bond Funds Beat Bond Index Funds

September 23, 2012

Picking a stock fund is fairly easy – a stock index fund built around a market index like the S&P 500 should do just fine. Bonds are a different animal, however, and index funds may not be the best choice for your investment dollars. Bond Funds vs. Target Date Bond Funds In general, there are […]

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Now I Know Where I Stand Financially. Wow.

September 20, 2012

One of my old favorite economics blogs Political Calculations has a neat tool that allows you to plug in your personal and family income and it spits out where you stand in relation to your fellow Americans. I put in my numbers for both my routine W-2 income and then the total family income by […]

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The 401(k) is a Beautiful Thing So Stop Bashing It

September 17, 2012

After the so-called “lost decade” and the Financial crash of 2008-2009, many people derided the 401(k) as a scammy money-grubbing employer tool that leaves employees ill-prepared for retirement. A “201(k)” became the running joke due to the losses we saw a few years back (which have since been regained and then some). Over the years, […]

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QE3: 11 Winners and Losers

September 16, 2012

Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve are ready to stimulate the economy at any cost. The Fed will inject $40 billion per month in mortgage-backed securities purchases. This policy is good for some, bad for many. Let’s keep track of the score. 11 Winners and Losers from QE3 1. Winner: Banks – Banks are inflation […]

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Brokered CDs: 8 Things to Consider Before You Invest

September 9, 2012

Brokered CDs give banks the chance to raise capital from far-flung corners of the country, and investors the opportunity to earn better than average returns on their savings since 10 Year Treasury Yields are driving all traditional income investments to near zero yields. But there are a few things you should know before you buy […]

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Get Your 50% Off Starbucks Card Today! Deal Ends Wed

September 4, 2012

If you’re one of the 7 people left in America that hasn’t yet signed up for LivingSocial, you may not be aware, but they’re running a daily deal that expires Wednesday for $10 Starbucks cards for only $5.  If you have a spouse, partner, kid, whatever, sign up as many of them as you want […]

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What’s the Strangest Thing You’ve Seen Written on a Dollar Bill?

September 4, 2012

Occasionally, I get a dollar bill with something strange written on it.  I haven’t seen this topic floated out there in the finance blogosphere, so I thought I’d opine for a bit and solicit your experiences.  So, here’s a recent $5 bill I got which had some choice words:   This got me thinking about […]

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The internet: A great place to keep track of credit card deals

September 4, 2012

Are you looking for a new bit of plastic to put in your wallet? If so, the internet is a great place to hunt for credit card deals from well-known providers such as MBNA. Here’s why: The web is fast and efficient Applying for a new credit used to mean long queues at the bank and mountains of paperwork – but this is […]

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How Not to Get Screwed on Car Insurance – A Personal Story

September 3, 2012

I felt like the world was coming to an end when I saw my wrecked car for the first time. A full quarter panel was gone, the light knocked out, and it looked like my car was currently winning a demolition derby. As a 17-year old at the time, I thought the world was coming […]

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Interesting Proposal to Increase Lending to Consumers

September 3, 2012

One of the biggest disappointments with the various bank bailouts in the US and Europe was that governments (i.e. taxpayers) stepped in to prop up banks and prevent widespread collapses in the financial sector.  Part of the deal was supposed to be that the bailouts would have shored up the balance sheets and prompted banks […]

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Trash as an Economic Indicator

August 26, 2012

We throw it out every day of the week, but the data we glean from it might just be good as gold. This week I stumbled upon an article at Free Republic about the relationship between trash and economic output. It’s almost scary how well these two data points come crashing together: America’s Consumption Economy […]

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$15 a Week for Allowance is US Average? Seems High to Me

August 24, 2012

A recent survey at CNN highlighted that American kids are getting $15 a week for allowance. I thought that sounded a little high and was curious what you’re doing for your kids’ allowances. My wife and I haven’t totally been on the ball with respect to allowance with our kids. Our oldest is 8, and […]

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How to Use Not-for-Profits to Land a Killer Job

August 21, 2012

Charities probably won’t make you rich any time soon. Sure, John Seffrin, the CEO of the American Cancer Society certainly isn’t hurting with his $2.2 million salary. But for us average people, charities are just a way to give back. Or are they? Opportunity in Giving I don’t mean to remove the good from a […]

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Does a Bad Economy Dictate Whether You’ll Have Children or Not?

August 19, 2012

I followed the path of (what I thought was) the traditional American life.  I went to college, got a job, got a house, got married and started having kids in my twenties.  This is what my parents did and their parents before them, and what’s always been portrayed in pop culture as a typical American […]

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See How Much I Save Each Year Working From Home Just 1 Day per Week

August 15, 2012

A lot of people blog about how much their job stinks.  Mine’s not bad.  I’m grateful to be gainfully employed and while my job is full of challenges and frustrating situations here and there (and I’m taking negative real wage increases for life), I’ve stayed in the same role for a couple years now because […]

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Investing in Art and Collectibles

August 12, 2012

There is something about art that I just can’t describe. I hear the words “fine art” and think immediately to cigars and wines, golf and polo – old wealth “stuff” that is more than a way to cover a wall. Art is a unique kind of investment. It never generates an income (unless you have […]

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My Roth IRA: Beating the Market and a Look Under the Hood

August 8, 2012

I don’t do individual stock reviews and such these days since I’ve taken more of a passive/low-fee approach over the years compared to active stock-picking (hence my other site ETF Base which is focused solely on ETF investing and strategies). Anyway, what I set out to do years ago was to pick a basket of […]

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Bodily Injury Insurance is a Driver’s Best Friend

August 5, 2012

As a 17 year old driving to school, I had an unlucky accident with another driver when a school bus suddenly threw its stop sign out and traffic came to a halt. My car went right into the bumper of another. It wasn’t much of an accident; I had hit the brakes before hitting the […]

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UPromise Check – $75 Ka-Ching!

August 1, 2012

I set up a UPromise account a few years ago and completely forgot about it.  You know how they say you never get something for nothing?  Well, that’s untrue.  UPromise partners with major retailers to give you a portion of your spending back, with the premise being that your loyalty toward those retailers is worth […]

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Common Sense Comeback? Thank The Recession

July 29, 2012

Recessions aren’t too bad if you don’t lose your job. Gas prices plummet, restaurants push inexpensive dinner options, and your dollar really does go further. So while it may seem like the world is nearing its end, there are always a few things that make an economic slump a little more bearable. Common Sense Back […]

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No-Cost Refi Complete: 5 REALLY Annoying Things I Had to Deal With

July 25, 2012

You may have read recently about how I was undertaking a no-cost refi so I could realize the best of both worlds (3 worlds really) – Lower monthly payment, no costs out of pocket and a shorter term on the loan.  After all, mortgage rates just broker new records again (see rate table for your […]

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Are Tattoos the Worst Investment Ever?

July 23, 2012

Maybe it’s because I’ve hit that age – people do dumb things following their 21st birthdays. Or maybe it’s just college. At any rate, I’ve started to notice more ink. Tons and tons of ink. Recent outrage from Bill O’Reilly’s assertion that people could, you know, actually regret getting a tattoo reminded me of just […]

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The World Isn’t as Flat As You’d Think [Sponsored Video]

July 23, 2012

If you’ve been following what’s going on in various parts of the world, it’s evident that things are changing quickly – and accelerating seemingly all the time.  It’s tough to keep up with changes in everything from demographics and political turmoil to sovereign debt/solvency issues, investment themes and talent acquisition in various regions.  Think about […]

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How I Saved 21% On My Comcast Bill – Apply These Tactics to Any Negotiation

July 22, 2012

Alas, the dreaded call to Comcast to once again renegotiate my monthly bill came around.  See, every 6 months, I basically call them up, claim I’m going to quit and go to Verizon FIOS and see how much I can have my monthly bill reduced.  What happens each time is that we play some cat […]

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Weekend Reading: The Shooter Shall Remain Nameless

July 20, 2012

I usually open the weekend reading posts with some sort of recent news events or commentary.  Today, I am saddened by the events in Colorado and surely, in the coming days, you’ll come across your fair share of moronic and insensitive comments by people trying to push their agenda.  I’ve seen my share already, from […]

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Are You Able to be Happy for Friends and Family That are Wildly Successful?

July 15, 2012

Our family just returned from a trip to visit some friends in South Carolina.  We were visiting my wife’s old college friend (who actually introduced us and is thus responsible for our current life and family!) and while down there, she had invited another set of mutual college friends up from Florida so we could […]

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Libor Scandal Explained

July 15, 2012

The LIBOR Scandal has been getting quite a bit of press over the past few weeks as the web of investigations, settlements and accusations continues to grow.  In a nutshell, LIBOR is the London Interbank Offered Rate which is supposed to be representative of what the borrowing costs of leading banks in London when borrowing […]

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10 Most Business-Friendly States: 8 Have Republican Governers

July 12, 2012

CNBC conducted a pretty extensive analysis of where the best and worst places to do business are in the United States (study). Out of curiosity (well, I already knew what the answer would be, so more like “validation”), I cross-checked their list with the party affiliation of the sitting governor for each state: STATE-BY-STATE RANKINGS 1. Texas […]

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Real Unemployment Rate Explained

July 11, 2012

You’ll often hear about a horrible jobs number and then get an update that the jobless rate hasn’t budged, or in some cases, actually improved.  How can this be?  Well, because the “official” government reported figure grossly underestimates those out of the workforce because it simply stops counting people in the denominator who have given […]

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Picking the Right Financial Advisor

July 8, 2012

Financial advice is something many need, but few want to pay for. It’s not all that surprising that financial advisors tend to join the ranks of lawyers or used car salesman – the line between advice and salesmanship is often blurred. Financial Advice Dividing Lines By far the biggest differentiator in financial advice is how […]

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Tax Savings from Trusts

July 3, 2012

In a previous article I went over the very basic overview of what a trust is, and why trusts are used in estate planning. Now let’s focus on something else: tax savings from a trust. Saving on Taxes with Trusts US citizens have an estate tax exemption just for living and breathing. This estate tax […]

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Supreme Court: No Overtime for Pharma Sales Reps. WHAAAAAAH.

June 27, 2012

Do you know the annoying, pushy people that try to jump ahead of you in the doctor’s office when you’re there for a real reason? like a health issue? Yeah, those people. In between buying lunch for the doctors and schmoozing the receptionists, apparently, a few sales reps found time to conjure up a lawsuit that they […]

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Life Insurance Considerations

June 26, 2012

This Is A Guest Post With Information Sourced From Genworth Financial: As it was succinctly put in a recent Huffington Post article, “Life Insurance 101,” “Life insurance has no one-size-fits-all option.” There are several types of life insurance policies; whole, term and universal, each serving different needs and considerations for both individuals and families. But […]

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How Trusts Work – Estate Planning 101

June 25, 2012

Trusts are not just for wealthy people. A trust is a way to distribute funds to any cause or group with any conditions you choose without requiring your own active participation. Thus, trusts have become a popular way to leave funds to family members after the death of the grantor. Trust fund 101 Each trust […]

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Is Keratin Treatment Worth It? [a Guy’s Perspective]

June 23, 2012

Is Keratin Treatment Worth It?  Let me start by saying I had never even heard of this before until my wife started talking about some expensive hair treatment for hundreds of dollars that would apparently save her hours upon hours of time in the bathroom.  See, her hair’s not naturally straight and she’s always longed […]

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Target Date Funds: Is Convenience Worth the Cost?

June 18, 2012

Target date mutual funds seek to make retirement planning as easy as ever. Simply pick a date and a contribution level to let the target date fund manager do the rest for you. The goal for any fund company is to become a “one stop shop” for their clients. A target date fund gives much […]

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PROMETHEUS: A Financial Analysis

June 14, 2012

I saw Prometheus last night after much build-up from an incredible viral ad campaign and without revealing any spoilers at the outset, based on information that could already be gleamed from the trailers or non-spoiler in nature, here are some financial implications of the movie that I couldn’t help but share with you.  Be warned, at the […]

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Cut Your Household Energy Consumption Costs

June 14, 2012

The way we use energy at home has confirmed environmental impacts. Many of us do not realise with any profundity the effect our day to day routines can have on the climate. Whenever we use electric and gas the carbon emissions caused by our daily activities build up to cause extreme effects on the environment. […]

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Dividend Recaps – Smart Policy, or Just More Politics?

June 10, 2012

Tax reform is ugly business in Washington. Few bills stir up either side of the aisle as much as discussion on tax policy – especially when the federal deficit is in the trillions annually. New corporate tax reform bills circulating through Washington are targeting dividend recapitalization and debt financing strategies often used by private equity […]

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How to Structure the PERFECT Refinance in a Sea of Options

June 5, 2012

With the 10 Year Treasury yield (why this is important) crashing through 2% and hovering around 1.5% for weeks now, it’s an optimal time to exploit the lowest rates we’ve seen EVER (Rate Table).  However, there are so many dozens of different options to choose from ranging to terms to rates to closing fees, it’s […]

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The Challenges of Aging & Long Term Care

June 1, 2012

NPR recently aired an interview with geriatric care manager and author, Marion Somers, and NPR Senior Business Editor, Marilyn Geewax, as part of their “Tell Me More” series,  The interview discussed both the emotional and economic challenges of aging and long-term care.  One of the most surprising things that was reiterated throughout the entire piece, […]

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Biggest Lie of 2012: “High Tech Worker Shortage” is a Myth

May 30, 2012

I usually voice my support for business issues and call BS on pandering politicians shaking down businesses for more tax money, regulations and general class warfare.  However, I’ve also got to call BS when I see it when the mainstream media keeps purporting that businesses just can’t get enough high skilled workers to run their […]

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Market Linked CDs: Limited Risk with Potentially Massive Returns

May 28, 2012

Following the financial crisis, bankers jumped at the opportunity to provide investments with the combined potential of the stock market with the safety of certificates of deposit. Market linked CDs (MLCDs) were the final product. And though they have been around for quite some time, MLCDs are never as popular as they are immediately following […]

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Please, DON’T Buy Company Stock in Your 401(k)

May 22, 2012

A news item caught my eye today.  Yet again, employees are suing their own company (JP Morgan) for allowing them to buy company stock in their 401(k) plan while allegedly hiding known financial risks.  This lawsuit is just plain silly, a by-product of the litigious nation we live in.  Aside from the fact that their […]

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Global Economy [SPONSORED VIDEO]

May 22, 2012

If you want to both learn something about the rest of the world, our past and future and where you stand in relation to your fellow humans, check out this video below.  Check out the video for a neat experience, but some of the factoids that jumped out at me included where the US stands […]

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My Electrician Makes More Than a Doctor

May 20, 2012

Boy, that’s the fastest $2800 I ever spent!  Ever since my wife and I decided we weren’t moving last year, we took inventory of all the stuff we wanted to do to the house to make it worth staying (I’m still convinced in the end if I drop another $50K into this house over the […]

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How Much Would it Take For You to Renounce Your Citizenship?

May 16, 2012

There’s nothing like being an American, right?  I mean, we’re only 5% of the population and enjoy 25% of the world’s GDP (while consuming 25% of the world’s energy of course).  That aside, in general, you don’t see people from around the world flocking to any country but America.  We have a vibrant job market […]

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10-Year Treasury Yields Under 2% – What to Do?

May 13, 2012

A quick look at the market shows something fascinating: stocks continue higher while the 10-year Treasury yield creeps back to below 2%. Last week, yields on the 10-year Treasury fell to 1.84%. We seem poised to return to 10-year yields consistent with yields during the worst of Greek debt crisis fears. So what’s up with […]

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How Deadbeats Screw the Paying Timeshare Owners

May 7, 2012

TIMBER!!! The timeshare market has really had a falling out – the resale value on a typical timeshare is falling faster than the value of a new car. Thousands of timeshares are for sale at $1 or less! This isn’t Detroit, either; we’re talking about timeshares in some of the most popular tourist destinations in […]

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Is Shark Tank a Scam? I’m Starting to Wonder

May 2, 2012

I first tuned into Shark Tank at the end of last season and it instantly become one of my favorite shows.  I loved the business ideas, the pitches, and of course, the wheeling and dealing from “the Sharks”.  It was both entertaining and somewhat educational from a business savvy standpoint.  However, as the episodes progressed […]

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Why connecting with your customers is vital for any small business

April 30, 2012

For small businesses, reaching out to consumers is essential if entrepreneurs want to see the growth they want. Smaller companies cannot rely on massive advertisement campaigns like larger companies do, simply because they simply do not have the funding. The good news for these small businesses is that the internet has dramatically changed how businesses […]

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Financial Musings on my Vasectomy

April 28, 2012

The time has come for one of us to do something permanent.  We’ve now got 3 kids, we’re mid-30s, and we’re done.  I failed miserably at trying to convince my wife she should have it done.  I found some new lacroscopic procedure that was supposed to be pretty painless and cut out the article, but […]

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Personal Asset Lending is Simple, Fast & Straightforward

April 24, 2012

Editor’s Note: I found this business model to be unique and like nothing I’ve seen out there before; check it out and provide your thoughts! This article was written by By Paul Aitken, Founder,   The continued shortage of funding in the U.S. market combined with lengthy application processes are leaving small business owners with […]

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Overweight Fitness Gurus, Broke Financial Advisors – Hypocrites or It Doesn’t Matter?

April 23, 2012

Does it matter if the professional you’re paying talks the talk but doesn’t walk the walk?  Sometimes when I’m at my gym, I take a look at the clients taking private lessons with a fitness trainer who would probably be classified as obese based on commonly accepted criteria.  On one hand, I sometimes wonder if […]

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tradeMONSTER Review

April 22, 2012

The online discount broker tradeMONSTER is a newcomer, but its founders are anything but. The duo responsible for tradeMONSTER is made up of the same people behind optionsMONSTER, a media and reporting company that reports unusual options activity during the trading day. Let’s review what tradeMONSTER has to offer to compare it to other online […]

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Taxes Over? How Does Your Income Stack Up Against Your Fellow Americans?

April 18, 2012

Occasionally my wife will comment on how our house is smaller than our friends’, we drive older cars or whatever. As corny as it starts to sound to her, I always remind her that we’re actually better off than most Americans. And most Americans are better off than the rest of the world. So in […]

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Senate Rejects Buffett Rule – Fighting Stupidity with Logic

April 16, 2012

Politicians do a lot of stupid things, but this “Buffett Rule” proposed by the administration practically takes the cake.  The measure, named after Warren Buffett for his observation that his effective tax rate was lower than that of his secretary, went to the Senate for vote today and flopped with a 51-45 tally, which shows […]

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Think About High Switching Costs (or How to Sell Dialup Internet in 2012)

April 15, 2012

Investors looking for companies that offer long-term outperformance want what Warren Buffett describes as a moat, a defining characteristic that defends it from the competition. Some industries are not very conducive to building a differentiated brand. Where a business cannot stand out to attract customers, it might as well make it hard for customers to […]

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Carnival of Financial Planning – Money Management Edition #232 – April 13, 2012

April 13, 2012

Welcome to the April 13, 2012 Edition #232 of the Carnival of Financial Planning. This edition is arranged by subject heading, so that you can browse efficiently. Enjoy! The Skilled Investor, Editor Budgeting and Economics Teacher Man presents Why Cutting The GST Was Great Politics and Terrible Economics posted at My University Money, saying, “As […]

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At What Age Should a Kid Get an iPod Touch?

April 11, 2012

My son’s 8th birthday is coming up.  Aside from the usual Legos and nerf gun toys which last a few minutes and then they’re archived to the toy pile, we have the annual “large gift” where the grandparents want to chip in and buy something for him.  So, this year my wife suggested an iPod […]

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New credit card technology is the future, but what does it mean for consumers?

April 11, 2012

When it comes to paying for items, consumers and merchants want it to be faster and easier, but not at the expense of security, which why we probably won’t see the venerable plastic credit card replaced by new payment technology anytime soon. Security still ranks highest among all of the requirements consumers have for choosing […]

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Acceptance of Evolution and Wealth – Interesting Correlation…

April 9, 2012

Tonight, I’m hitting you with a quick one since we spent the entire weekend driving and I spent my Sunday night fighting stupid Windows problems to get a wireless connection (even though this laptop has accessed the same router for a year with no problems – and my iphone/ipad connected just fine tonight; love Microsoft…).  […]

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Pairs Trade: Real Examples and Profit Potential

April 3, 2012

Pairs trades can be a great supplement to your investment portfolio if you’re just a passive investor or an active trader.  I’ve personally done several different types of pairs trades over the years and have had varying degrees of success.  Below, I’ll lay out some real-life examples and some recent trades in the news that […]

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Boring Businesses Make Billionaires

April 1, 2012

Forbes recently published its annual Forbes 400 rankings of the wealthiest people in the world. This list is a classic – a list of the estimated wealth of some of the richest and most powerful people in the world. We always hear the same familiar names in the 400 rankings – Carlos Slim, Bill Gates, […]

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Apple-Bashing: Since When Is a 60 Hour Work-Week Abusive?

March 29, 2012

This isn’t an Apple Fanboy defending the great father from criticism. This is just a reality check – a 60 hour workweek is not a big deal and it annoys me to no end that the mainstream media latches on to a theme to try and make a story where one shouldn’t exist.  When I […]

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Why I’m Prioritizing a Roth IRA Over a 401(k)

March 27, 2012

Presented with the choice between maximizing contributions to either a 401(k) or a Roth IRA, many people opt for the 401(k). The prospect of “pre-tax” deductions from the paycheck is appealing since those contributions effectively reduce your tax bill each year. Additionally, the 401(k) deductions are totally on auto-drive. The money comes right out of […]

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Dependency Ratios: Macroeconomic Disaster?

March 25, 2012

Dependency ratios are a term to know and understand. As investors and individuals, dependency ratios practically define our financial futures. You can calculate the dependency ratio by dividing the number of dependent people younger than 18, and older than 65 by those between the “working ages” of 18-65 years old. This calculation essentially provides for […]

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3% Cash Back and $100 Bonus – The Best Card on Earth

March 8, 2012

If you’re going to use a credit card, you might as well optimize your cash back! I do, and it brings us tax-free income of $700-$1000 a year depending on what we’re up to.  Well, now there’s there ultimate card for what’s probably your single biggest expense – groceries! (and next biggest – gas!)  The […]

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No Cost Refinance – A No-Lose Financial Move?

January 8, 2012

A no-cost refi is starting to make more sense to me now that I’ve read more about it, and I was especially surprised to see the number of no-cost refinance companies out there.  I’ve been contemplating a refi for some time now and had initially put it off due to the exorbitant fees involved in […]

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5 Ways to Get an Abundant Mindset

January 27, 2023

You want to buy a new house, but you don’t see how you could ever afford it. You dream of Black Tie Moving delivering furniture to a beautiful home. Yet, you feel stuck. You feel as if this could only ever be a dream. Well, not so fast! An abundant mindset can help you get […]

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Stock Options Trading – What All Those Greek Letters Mean

December 22, 2022

Stock options are a type of financial derivative that give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a specific stock at a predetermined price (called the “strike price”) on or before a specific date (called the “expiration date”). This financial instrument is often used as a way for companies to […]

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The 10 Craziest Financial Frauds in History

December 22, 2022

Financial fraud is one of the most common crimes of our time, and it has been around for centuries. Throughout history, there have been some truly remarkable stories of financial fraud, ranging from small-time scams to elaborate Ponzi schemes. Here are 10 of the craziest fraud stories from history:   1. The South Sea Bubble: […]

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3 Ways to Save Money on Flights in 2023

December 22, 2022

In 2022, the cost of travel to many major cities around the United States reached an all time high. From the rising cost of gas to seemingly unreasonably priced flights, traveling the country has never been more expensive. For many people, flying is the preferred method of travel for most trips because of timeliness and […]

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Is Paying Off May Mortgage Early The Best Approach?

December 11, 2022

There are pros and cons to both paying off your mortgage early and investing the excess funds in the stock market. Some potential advantages of paying off your mortgage early include: Reduced monthly expenses: By paying off your mortgage early, you can save on interest payments and reduce your monthly expenses. This can provide you […]

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3 Easy Ways to Save Money on Gas This Holiday Season

December 6, 2022

In 2022, gas prices around the United States were higher than ever before, with the cost of gas rising to more than $7 per gallon in some of the nation’s largest cities. While gas prices have generally lowered throughout the country, there is no denying that filling up your tank can still be far too […]

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