
You Are Hard-Wired for Irrational Thinking – Here’s How to Overcome

January 29, 2014

Since this is a finance blog, I’m going to try to tie these concepts back to financial decisions where applicable, but since I’ve become increasingly frustrated with how people around me (and in the media) think, I had to write about the topic. Let’s start at the top. Humans, through millions of years of evolution, […]

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Beware! Cyber Monday “Deal” at Amazon is 47% MORE Expensive Than it was on Black Friday!

December 2, 2013

I was in the market for a new TV and figured Amazon would be usual place to buy given their low prices and free shipment. Thus, on Friday, after researching televisions heavily based on Consumer Reports and my needs, I arrived at a Samsung smart TV 50″ LCD/LED.  I bought it on Friday for $647 […]

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Yet Another Faulty Investment Strategy I Keep Hearing About

November 24, 2013

I was eating lunch with a co-worker today and he told me how he was getting completely out of stocks in his 401(k) account and switching to all cash and bonds. When I asked why, he acted like I was a dope and said, “the market is up over 20% so far this year. Since […]

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Merchants CAN and DO Charge You Extra for Credit Card Usage

November 10, 2013

I was picking up a pizza this weekend and was perturbed by the sign stating “3% Extra for Credit Cards”.  Not only is accepting credit cards a normal business practice and a convenience for customers, but for years, it was explicitly disallowed by the credit card companies.  So, since I only had a ten on […]

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Economist Writes Book on Pregnancy Stats, Myths, Realities-Rational Thinking Ensues

October 21, 2013

I just listened to an interview with an economist author who happened to have undergone a recent pregnancy and realized that most of the advice given to women these days is either spotty, or egregiously over conservative – flat out wrong in many cases.  As a guy who writes about finance, you’re probably wondering what […]

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We’re Installing New Windows and the ROI from Energy Savings is HORRIBLE

October 3, 2013

We’re putting in new windows. Our home is about 15 years old and the original windows are the typical lousy builder’s grade from that period. Many have since cracked or have condensation between the panes and the manufacturer is out of business so no replacements under warranty. I know in the summer we’re losing money […]

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