
You Are Hard-Wired for Irrational Thinking – Here’s How to Overcome

January 29, 2014

Since this is a finance blog, I’m going to try to tie these concepts back to financial decisions where applicable, but since I’ve become increasingly frustrated with how people around me (and in the media) think, I had to write about the topic. Let’s start at the top. Humans, through millions of years of evolution, […]

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Economist Writes Book on Pregnancy Stats, Myths, Realities-Rational Thinking Ensues

October 21, 2013

I just listened to an interview with an economist author who happened to have undergone a recent pregnancy and realized that most of the advice given to women these days is either spotty, or egregiously over conservative – flat out wrong in many cases.  As a guy who writes about finance, you’re probably wondering what […]

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Gas Prices Drop Big-Time – How to Lock in These Prices as a Routine Consumer

October 7, 2013

Over the past 2 weeks, we’ve seen gasoline prices in the US dip more than we’ve seen in over a year with a precipitous 14 cent drop according to a Lundberg survey out this weekend. On average, drivers paid $3.38 per gallon which is the lowest since 2012. There are always several factors at play […]

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Obama’s Chained CPI Controversy Explained

April 15, 2013

In last week’s budget announcement, the Obama administration included a provision which has liberals howling.  Without delving into mudslinging about political motivations, feigned outrage and the slanted media coverage this proposal has generated, let alone the irony that this measly cut was mixed in with $1 Trillion in tax increases during the same 10 year […]

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5 Reasons Why Bitcoins are the Dumbest Investment Ever

April 4, 2013

If you haven’t heard of bitcoins by now, you will soon.  They were recently profiled in this week’s BusinessWeek, they have skyrocketed since the Cyprus banking mess and in a nutshell, it’s an alternative currency play which resides in cyberspace only – there is no physical exchange, no regulatory oversight, not even an inkling as […]

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Poll: Has the Fiscal Cliff Uncertainty Affected Your Spending or Financial Plans at All?

December 23, 2012

There are 2 main camps when it comes to economics and politics – some feel that people and businesses will go about their routine patterns of spending, saving, investing and hiring regardless of any “uncertainty” and another camp that feels all the uncertainty we’re constantly facing gives people and leaders pause, which constantly constrains behavior […]

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