3 Ways to Save Money on Flights in 2023

by Darwin on December 22, 2022

In 2022, the cost of travel to many major cities around the United States reached an all time high. From the rising cost of gas to seemingly unreasonably priced flights, traveling the country has never been more expensive. For many people, flying is the preferred method of travel for most trips because of timeliness and efficiency. Whether you’re taking a family vacation across the country or headed on an out of state business trip for a company like Haines, flying can help cut your travel time in half – however, doing so can be expensive. Despite the high cost of flying, it is possible to save a decent amount of money on flights with a little work and additional planning. Keep reading to learn 3 simple ways to save money on the cost of flying in 2023.

Be Flexible With Dates

If you’re still planning an upcoming trip and are able to be flexible with the dates you choose to travel, doing so can save you a considerable amount of money on the cost of a flight. While this tip is fairly obvious for frequent travelers, it is truly one of the most effective ways to reduce the cost of airfare. Most airline’s websites will have a “low fare” calendar, allowing you to see the cheapest days of each month that you could fly and allowing you to compare flights across numerous dates by price. Traveling a day sooner or later than anticipated can save you hundreds of dollars.

Book Early

While it’s no secret that flights get more expensive at the last minute, many travelers still do not book flights as early as they need to, resulting in them being forced to pay higher rates in order to fly. As soon as you begin to plan a trip, it is important to book your flight in order to ensure that you are receiving access to the lowest possible flight costs.

Set a Price Alert

After booking a flight months in advance, setting a price alert will notify you if a cheaper option becomes available for the flight you booked. If a cheaper flight becomes available on the same airline, most airlines will let you switch to the cheaper flight and will refund you the difference. This is another reason to ensure that you book your flights early – that way you can take advantage of low costs while ensuring you will be refunded if a cheaper flight becomes available in time.

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