
Darwin’s Summer Book Reading List

July 19, 2011

Here’s a list of books I either read recently, I’m currently reading, or I’d love to read this summer.  I’d be interested in hearing your favorite picks as well. The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine – There are tons of books out by now on the housing crash, Wall Street crash and such, but […]

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23 Restaurants Giving FREE Meals/Discounts for Birthday Clubs!

June 29, 2011

Hat tip to CNN for passing on this tip, but it totally makes sense!  Birthday clubs! We occasionally eat at Red Robin and other national chain restaurants that offer a free meal on your birthday to entice you to come back, buy drinks or whatever.  You get a note in the mail or email to […]

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3% Cash-Back Card = $500/Year Tax Free!

June 15, 2011

I’d been thinking about our cash-back rewards from the one credit card we do most of our spending on and decided it’s time to focus on the categories we spend the most on and optimize our cards and usage to get even more cash back each year.  For years, we’ve always enjoyed tax-free cash-back rewards […]

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How to Get a Snowblower for 1/3 The Price This Winter

May 11, 2011

This is real simple, but it works.  Because my neighbors are doing it and we’re always discussing how to save money.  3 neighbors that get along simply bought a nice snowblower together.  They all have each others’ garage codes and whenever it snows, they rotate and take the thing around and hit all three driveways.  […]

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$150 Bonus – New Chase Visa Freedom Card (Crazy!)

April 8, 2011

Previously, there had been a mildly attractive $150 Signup Bonus deal, but that one’s no longer being offered.  The GOOD NEWS is that there are even more lucrative card offers available now – check these out! $200 Bonus on Chase Freedom, 5% Rewards $250 Bonus on Chase Sapphire 6% Cash Back Card – That’s $1000 […]

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I’m SAVING 7% at LOWES & 12% at STARBUCKS for Life – So Can You!

March 9, 2011

I’m a huge fan of financial innovations and market forces creating efficiencies that didn’t exist previously.  With the advent of the internet and some obvious ideas, I’m now saving anywhere from 5%-15% on various major spending categories in our family through simply buying discounted gift cards at various online places. Â  Basically, since so many people […]

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