Whether you’re financially stable or struggling to make ends meet, it’s essential to have a sustainable money management strategy in place. When you’re in control of your finances, you can avoid unmanageable debt and build wealth. What’s more – being proactive about your finances will give you peace of mind and confidence. To get started, take a look at these five money management tips that everyone needs to know:
1. Buying Cheap Doesn’t Always Mean Saving Money
When you need to purchase something new, buying the cheapest option might seem like the most cost-effective solution. However, cheaper products may not last for very long or deliver the same quality. Similarly, lower-cost items might require more frequent repairs, which can increase your expenditure over time.
Before deciding how much cash to part with, assess whether you’re making an ‘investment purchase’. Things like home appliances, vehicles, and electricals need to last the test of time, so aim to get the best quality that you can afford. Factor in the cost of related consumables and potential maintenance, so that you get an accurate idea of what each model really costs.
2. Beware of Lifestyle Creep
As your income increases, it’s easy to assume that you’ll have more money to put aside for a rainy day. In reality, ‘lifestyle creep’ often prevents this from happening.
Lifestyle creep occurs when your expenditure increases alongside your rise in income. If you get a new job with a higher salary, for example, you might adjust your lifestyle because you’re able to afford more. When you use your disposable income on lifestyle purchases, like going out to restaurants or buying new clothes, it means that the extra income you’re earning isn’t building wealth.
While you may choose to use some extra disposable income to treat yourself, be sure to adjust your savings goals and contributions in line with your increased earnings before you splurge on extras.
3. Avoid High-Interest Credit
The vast majority of people have some form of debt but the type of debt you have can determine your financial future. Low-interest, long-term debts, like a mortgage, are typically easy to manage but high-interest, short-term debts, like payday loans, can be much more difficult to cope with.
When your income doesn’t meet your needs, solutions like cash advance apps might seem like a good idea. This blog post about these cash advance apps will give you a clearer insight into whether they’re right for you. Fortunately, there are other solutions available.
With Tally, you can manage your existing credit card debts, consolidate them, and pay them off using a personal line of credit. This can drastically reduce the amount of interest you’re paying and help you to get out of debt more quickly. Simple app management makes it easy to cut your expenditure and frees up your income so that it’s easier to manage each month.
4. Expect the Unexpected
No matter how carefully you plan ahead, an unexpected bill can arrive at any time. From deductibles on your health insurance to car repairs or a boiler replacement, you never know when your expenditure will suddenly increase.
Due to this, it’s important to have contingency plans in place. By making regular contributions to an ‘emergency fund’,you can ensure that you’ve always got access to funds when you need them. When urgent costs can’t be avoided or postponed, having your emergency fund to fall back on will turn a stressful situation into a stress-free solution.
5. Set Realistic Financial Goals
If you don’t have any financial goals, it’s hard to plan for the future but easy to let your money slip through your fingers. By thinking about your lifestyle and what you want to achieve over the next year, five years, and 10 years, you can set realistic financial goals. Once you know what your objectives are, you can then create smaller targets to help keep you motivated along the way.
If you want to save $25,000 for a house deposit, for example, break this down into five $5,000 chunks. Then, calculate how much you can afford to save every month to figure out how long it will take you to hit each target. With lifestyle modifications and cost savings, you can reduce the amount of time it will take to achieve your goal and ensure that you remain on track.
Getting to Grips with Money Management
If you’ve never budgeted before or you’re apprehensive about uncovering your financial status, it can be tempting to delay dealing with your finances. However, this approach can lead to unnecessary debt and a low credit score. In contrast, taking control of your finances will empower you and give you the determination to reassess your budget, secure lower interest rates, and improve your financial future.
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