Cut Your Household Energy Consumption Costs

by Darwin on June 14, 2012

The way we use energy at home has confirmed environmental impacts. Many of us do not realise with any profundity the effect our day to day routines can have on the climate. Whenever we use electric and gas the carbon emissions caused by our daily activities build up to cause extreme effects on the environment.

As the cost of fossil fuels continues to rise, it is in the interest of both the homeowner and the environment for us to make asserted changes to how we use these resources. Cheap electricity and gas is relative at present, therefore making small adjustments within your home is the most reliable way to cut your energy bills and improve your carbon footprint.

Cheap electricity and gas rates, from trusted companies throughout the UK, are being encouraged by government, as they enforce the need to inform customers of their most suitable tariff. Tackling the speculation surrounding suppliers quoting highly priced packages to customers, from autumn providers will be legally required to offer customers the tariff best suited to their energy consumption.

This scheme has been supported by Britain’s six key energy suppliers, including British Gas, who have all promised to assist with driving down the cost of living for UK citizens. In addition to offering the most appropriate tariff at the start of the homeowner contract, the Cabinet Office states that providers ‘will now write to customers every year to specifically tell them what the best tariff is for them and how to get it.’

A recent release from the Cabinet Office stated that 75 per cent of households in the UK did not switch their energy tariff in 2011. As a country, it is essential that we become savvier regarding issues surrounding spending and sustainability.

The energy we use fluctuates to mirror events in our life. Changes such as returning to work following maternity leave, children leaving home and retirement can all affect our energy consumption. Sticking with the same tariff, and indeed the same supplier, for extended periods of time can be an unnecessary drain on your finances.

With no sign of any dip in the international market, Nick Clegg confirms:

“We need to get bills as low as possible. I know that many families are struggling with rising energy bills. We can’t control volatile world energy prices. But we can still help people get their bills down.”

Away from legalities, simple changes in the home can also slash the price of your energy bill and improve your home’s energy efficiency.

While heating the kettle and watching the evening soaps consumes electricity, these aren’t the areas that you should worry about. Instead make little changes such as ensuring all equipment is switched off and unplugged when it isn’t being used.

Those who are forgetful should inspect electronic equipment for ‘sleep modes’ or similar. Many modern laptops, PCs and printers have such settings and can give that extra peace of mind for when equipment is left switched on.

Every home has rooms which vary in temperature. Knowing which areas of the house are the coldest enables you to close off internal doors to rooms which cause drafts or lower household temperatures. Rather than putting on the central heating, close doors and windows and invest in footstops – or draft stoppers – to keep rooms at a comfortable temperature.

Switch standard lighting to energy saving light bulbs. Though the majority of bulbs on the market at present are energy efficient, keeping any old bulbs as spares and investing in new eco-friendly ones will save money as well as being environmentally friendly.

Be sure to switch off lights when they aren’t being used and spend time once a week dusting down windows and any light fittings. This will ensure that during daytime hours, natural light is generally sufficient for lighting main rooms in your home. Well maintained fittings will reduce the need to switch on multiple lamps and main lights during the evening and for any night time usage.

Shop around for the best cheap electricity and gas tariffs to initiate your cost cutting process. Saving money doesn’t have to mean making big complex decisions. Small asserted steps to improve the energy efficiency of your everyday routine will make a massive difference per year.


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