If you’re anything like me, you would never consider camping out on line with hordes of rabid shoppers to save money on something.  Invariably, Americans will return to the office Monday with the turkey hangover and wander over to their favorite retailers to buy something the easy way – online.  Well, actually, this year, it seems as though the lines are blurred and the sales are starting earlier, so there are actually Cyber Monday deals already starting on Sunday.  Here are some gadgets that I have my eye on or seem to be nicely discounted from regular pricing.  Or you can simply hit the full list of all Cyber Monday deals here: Shop Amazon – Cyber Monday Deals Week.
“Top Gifts in Electronics” Deeply Discounted
- To see a full listing of Amazon’s Top Gift Ideas which are deeply discounted starting Sunday afternoon, visit here:Â Shop Amazon – Top Gift Ideas
  (I’ve listed some of my favorites below that appear on the list):
- Kindle Fire (if you aren’t getting an iPad)
- iPod Touch (We bought them for our kids and I penned a piece on what age is appropriate for an iPod Touch for background)
- Garmin Nuvi GPS (if you don’t already use a smartphone as your maps/GPS)
- Digital Cameras (including Canon EOS Rebel which we have and enjoy)
- Apple MacBook Air (I’ll eventually be switching to an Apple laptop, after years of continual frustration and disappointment with PCs).
- and… for a book idea, JK Rowling’s first adult book. I wonder if it will be anywhere as popular as the Harry Potter series?
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Great deals! I’m trying to decide if I want to pull the trigger on a Kindle Fire!
I will switch to a Mac as well, but not this year. My Dell PC is only 3 years old! I need a new computer lab at school and I will go the Mac route as well. You pay more upfrot, but it is cheaper and better overall.
Can you believe it I am looking at 0 deals this year, well at least for myself. Just a few toys for the kids and I might just go to the local target to get them. I am looking to get a new vehicle so cutting back is essential.