End of Year Links and Musings

by Darwin on December 31, 2011

I can’t believe 2011 has come to an end already.  Time sure does move more quickly the older you get (all the more reason to start saving now for retirement, college and a rainy day rather than procrastinating).  Anyway, it was a great year for me personally, professionally and for the blog. Here were a few formative events in my life and top blog posts of 2011, as well as enjoyable reads from around the blogosphere this week.

2011 Key Events and Posts at Darwin’s Money


Great Reads from Around the Web:

Arbor Investment highlighted the Best Blog Posts of 2011

The Burning Platform – 2011 Catch-22 Year in Review

Zero Hedge – 11 Disturbing 11-Year Trends to End 2011

Invest It Wisely – Zeitgeist 2011

Retire By 40 – On Motivation

Oblivious Investor – Vanguard’s LifeStrategy Growth Fund

101 Centavos – Centavos Portfolio Update

Financial Uproar – Is Wealth All About Luck?

Len Penzo – 10 Craziest Money Blunders of 2011


Carnivals That Featured My Content

Carnival of Personal Finance

Carnival of Financial Comraderie

Carnival of Self-Directed Investing

Yakezie Carnival

Totally Money

Yakezie Carnival

Carnival of Wealth

Tax Carnival

Carnival of Personal finance

Yakezie Carnival

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Financial Samurai January 1, 2012 at 3:16 am

Welcome back from India!

BTW, the Dow was up 5.5% this year not down per your comment on my site.




101 Centavos January 1, 2012 at 11:28 am

Here’s to a banner year in 2012!!


Financial God January 2, 2012 at 5:35 pm

Happy New Year, Darwin! It was a good year for me too, and I have greatly enjoyed your posts. 🙂


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