Evolutionary Reading: Crazy-Ass Week Edition

by Darwin on November 4, 2010

Not only did we see a massive reversal in voter sentiment during the 2010 midterms this week, but the same day the markets were digesting the election outcomes, the Fed announced the purchase of another $600 Billion in Treasuries in a widely anticipated QE2 announcement.  Investors are already taking bets on how big QE3 will be now. Then on Thursday, Obama announced he’d be open to extending ALL tax cuts, which was a shocker.  With the administration and the Fed’s eternal race to the bottom in loose money is great for stocks, people looking to refinance debt obligations and bankers, I do worry about how we’ll have to someday unscramble these eggs.  If you’ve ever tried to do that, it’s not easy.  Monetary and fiscal policy aside, there were some great articles around the web this week:

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Consumerism CommentaryAll the Ladies are Interested Now

Free From BrokeGetting Free Premium Cable Channels

Evolutionary Stuff By Darwin

Darwin’s Money


Darwin’s Finance

Stuff I Wrote Everywhere Else:

Money Highway3 Crazy Ways People Make Extra Money – And How You Can Too

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Amex CurrencyWhat Foreclosure-Gate Means to You

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Progressive Politics (can you believe I made this one :>)

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Evan November 5, 2010 at 9:59 am

Thanks for the mention!


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