There are many financial assets you can trade online nowadays, such as bonds, stocks, currencies, indexes, trackers, commodities, and more. Online trading has recently become more popular, due to how accessible it has become. The only thing you really need is a device (tablet, computer, mobile) and an Internet connection, so wherever you are in the world, you can now easily check and manage your investments. So, what are the main advantages of online trading?
Now that you can access your investments online, your schedule can be a lot more flexible. You can invest whenever you want (particularly on the currency market, with its round-the-clock trading five days a week), from wherever you are, as long as you have Internet access.
This online access gives you another advantage: better control of your investment. As you don’t need to use an intermediary to open or close a trade anymore, you are more independent and involved in the process of each trade’s execution. You don’t need to wait for your orders to be executed, as the execution is immediate.
If you are not using an intermediary, trading fees and costs are then vastly cut down. This low cost side of online trading is very attractive. Most online brokers do not charge any commission, but instead take the difference between the ask price and the bid price, called the “spread,†so you’re not even paying broker fees for entering and exiting the market.
As with any business that uses the Internet, you online brokers give their traders access to state-of-the-art tools to make better trading decisions. The first thing to do is choose a trading platform with the best combination of tools and services for your needs. The UFX platform, for instance, provides great money management and risk management tools, advanced charts, mathematical indicators, direct customer support, and educational content.
The broker you choose should also depend on the markets you want to trade (FOREX, stock market, bond market. etc.) and the product you want to use, depending on your trading profile and your aversion to risk (CFDs, Warrants, Turbos etc.).
Most brokers will be able to provide real-time quotes for all your investments and assets you are monitoring, which will grant you real-time access to the value of your portfolio.
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