How to Sell Your Home Quickly

by Darwin on July 14, 2011

In the current housing environment, there are all sorts of dynamics at work from strategic defaults to tightening lending standards.  On the owner side, selling a home at a decent price can take months longer than it used to.  When we were looking at homes last year, some of them were on the market for a year already, and when I drive by now, they’re still up!  I guess there’s eventually a buyer at a low enough price for any home, but many homeowners can’t bear the prospect of selling at a large loss or not getting what they think the home is worth (regardless of what the market thinks).

How to Unload Your Home Quickly

What about when you need to get a home sold quickly?  If you don’t have the luxury of engaging a realtor, sitting around for months on end doing showing after showing, haggling with prospective buyers and dealing with inspections and closing, the next step might be to consider a third party.  For instance, Gateway Homes can buy your house quickly.

Why Would One Need to Move Quickly?

While the concept of putting timeliness over squeezing out every last dime may seem foreign to you, there are a few reasons why a homeowner may want to prioritize a quick sale:

  • Emigration – Leaving the country quickly?  It happens more often than you’d think in the current business environment where all the growth is overseas and not so much in the western economies.  I’ve had a few people in my organization just up and move to China in India this year alone.  So, it happens!


  • Estate Issues – If you inherited a home across the country and don’t want to deal with trying to sell it yourself, perhaps just closing out the deal and settling the estate is more important than trying to optimize the sale price yourself.


  • Relocation – These days, companies aren’t lavishing prospects with the same relo packages they used to.  Many employees are finding it upon themselves to deal with their sale and relocation.  If the job is across the country and you can’t carry two mortgages at once, selling quickly may be a better option than trying to juggle both ends.

Have you ever tried to sell quickly?  What did you do?

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