Side Hustles For Serious Money

by Darwin on May 13, 2021

Many Americans modern-day Americans are living the dream, working hard in their chosen career, and getting by. There are many others who are not managing or have greater aspirations than just surviving. A side hustle or extra revenue stream is the way that nearly half of adult Americans are choosing to lift themselves and their families out of their situations.

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Real Estate

Property has been a wise investment for a while now, and anybody with a large enough savings pocket or the savvy to navigate the slippery slope that is housing finance can come out of the sale of a house a few figures richer. Timing and market knowledge are key here.


A more affordable way to get into a new revenue stream would be to become a dealer for a reputable company with a good product to offer. Those with a good head for opportunities and a bit of charisma can excel in this field.


This is the new age of the internet, and this has given rise to some very hands-off and lucrative ways to make money, and none embody this idea more than dropshipping. Having little start-up cost due to you not carrying any of the inventory yourself means low continual overheads. All of this is only simple if you do your homework and set everything up to run as hands-off as possible from the beginning. It’s far easier to implement a successful running dropshipping schematic from inception than it is to modify a system already in place that is inefficient or perhaps even crippled.

Instagram Influencer

Those with a flair for the different or the extreme, or those with an outgoing personality and access to exclusive items, people, or places, have a chance of going far and spreading that circle of influence. You might not like the camera or limelight yourself, but it doesn’t mean you can let your imagination go to waste with those cutesy pet pics or amazing location and nature pictures you may have taken. Make money here through partnerships, sponsorships, sponsored posts, merchandise, or even offering a product for sale.


Before someone saw merit in the magic she had created, J.K Rowling was dismissed by 12 publishers after writing the Harry Potter series. E.L James’ found fame and riches stemming from her love of Twilight fanfiction, and her attempts to further get into the hobby she loved. Known to be extremely cathartic and therapeutic, writing can capture the hearts and minds of the world. This is only possible should you pick a topic that lends itself to the hearts and minds of the people who consume it, potentially generating a considerable income to boot. Your hobby will never feel like a chore as long as you choose a topic that is close to you and that you genuinely enjoy thinking and writing about.

A hobby should be a time in your life where you get away from the stresses of day-to-day life and decompress a little bit. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be making money for your time or effort.

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