In our digital world where we can keep in touch, shop and work online, it is sometimes hard to remember that we didn’t always rely on computer technology so extensively.
One area where this is true is storing of data. Keeping digital files has become so widespread that it is easy to forget that often you need to store hard copies as well.
Hard copy explained
Let’s take a contract for instance. A hard copy document is something you can physically hold with your two hands and examine by turning the pages.
A digital copy of the same item is what you see as an attachment in an email or within a software system – it might even be something you can have saved in a designated spot in your computer. Unlike a hard copy you can see it but not touch it.
The advantages of hard copies
What on earth could be beneficial about a hard copy over a digital document? Printing out documents uses paper unnecessarily then the document has to be stored. Why not just leave it online for easy access?
It is easy to have this attitude living in a world which has become so digitalised. However, there is still a need to printing out a hard copy document.
An advantage of having a hard copy document is that it can be read directly without the need of a computer or other technological device. Not everyone is enamoured with technology and many people still want to receive a document in the post rather than via email.
With all this in mind, using data archive boxes to keep hard copy documents safe is very important.
Storing documents
There are several benefits to storing hard copy documents in archive boxes.
Firstly, they are light and conveniently sized so can be lifted and shifted without difficulty. Secondly, they are portable so can be carried from spot to spot easily.
They are also designed in such a way that you can store same-sized boxes efficiently in banks making the most of what storage space you have. What more could you want?
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