You never know quite what is just around the corner, so for many people adequate and appropriate insurance is part of any sensible financial planning. Making provision for old age and potential infirmities through utilising over 50 life insurance and critical injury cover is a convenient method of ensuring that your dependents are not left in fiscal jeopardy in the event of illness or unfortunate demise. Similarly, putting in place cover for your car, home and valuable possessions also makes good sense. There are also a number of other policies that are less often considered, but which can protect against the need for costly replacements and repairs. Detailed below are a number of insurance products you may not have come across, which could save you a considerable amount of money and inconvenience.
Glasses and Mobility Aids
Essential for everyday tasks, glasses and mobility aids are regularly taken out and about as well as being commonly used at home. With the cost of both these items regularly running into hundreds of pounds, replacing them is expensive. Because any trip out usually involves taking your glasses, walking frame or other aid with you, the chances of them getting lost or damaged is high. A specialist, affordable insurance product to cover these useful items if you use them is always a wise precaution.
Cover that Wedding
If you’re currently in the process of planning and booking a wedding, taking out insurance against loss of venue, cancelation of essential services or failure of key providers to play their part on the day can give you the peace of mind needed to enjoy the occasion. The average wedding now costs around £21,000, so suddenly finding the cake isn’t as planned or the reception venue has been double-booked can be expensive as well as frustrating. Wedding Cover allows you the flexibility to quickly utilise alternatives without worrying about recouping lost deposits before you can proceed.
Bicycles, Caravans and the Garden Shed
Often overlooked, these items can cost thousands of pounds to replace. The shed is frequently a repository for expensive power tools, building materials and garden equipment and can make an attractive target for thieves. Bicycles are not automatically covered by contents insurance products and the tendency for them to be left unattended (even with a cycle lock) makes them vulnerable to theft. Expensive equipment and accessories can be easily taken from caravans and their minimal security mean that costly cameras or other electronic devices can be stolen relatively easily.
Particularly when considering items, which are frequently taken out of the home, ensuring that they are covered by your generic contents policy or vehicle, cover is a wise precaution. In addition, insurance to cover unexpected setbacks or issues when you are planning major events (including holidays, house renovations or even a surprise party) makes good financial sense. As ever, tailoring your cover to your own individual needs and lifestyle is the key to providing a suitable safety net for you and your family.
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