5 Tips and Tricks to Save Money

by Darwin on November 30, 2022

Saving money comes with its challenges. Particularly if you are accustomed to purchasing whatever it is you have your heart set on. However, it can be done with a little planning, patience, and mindset shift. Here, we offer up 5 tips and tricks to save money.

Track Spending

First and foremost, you should start out by tracking your spending. If you write out or print your bank statements for a period of two months, you should have a better understanding of just where your money goes.

You can track your spending on an Excel spreadsheet, pen and paper, or a word document. Find what works best for you.


After you have your list of spending expenditures, it’s time to break them down. This will help you to see exactly where your money is going. You might be surprised with where all your money is going!

Try and categorize your money spent in three sections: wants, needs, savings. This will help you to create an effective budget.

Create a Budget

Creating a budget is paramount when it comes to saving money. After you’ve tracked your expenses and categorized them, it will make crafting up a personal budget easier.

Financial experts suggest using the 50/30/20 budget plan as a guide. This means you spend 50% of your income on needs (food, housing, etc.), 30% on wants (dining out, travel, etc.), and 20% on savings – which leads us to our next point.


A personal savings account gives you peace of mind. You never know just what life will throw at you, so it’s important to start saving as early as you can.

Savings is all about a mindset. While it may be difficult to put money away and not use it when you’ve had your eye on a new bag or fancy car – it will be well worth it in the long run. You could use part of it as a down payment on a house, a dream vacation, hire a private jet from Access Global -and other more costly parts of life. Patience is key when it comes to savings!

Cut Back on Unnecessary Spending

It may seem obvious that in order to save money, you shouldn’t waste it. However, a lot of the time, we don’t even realize just how much we are spending on useless goods. Think of all the subscriptions you may have that you never use anymore. Small expenses like that add up over time.

You could even spend less by switching which grocery store you go to. Shopping at Whole Foods may provide more options, but you can find healthy, organic options with a smaller price tag at stores like Aldi.

Spend some time considering alternate options for food, clothing, and subscriptions. It is likely you’ll find close to the same quality but at a much lower cost. Additionally, maybe cut eating out from 3 days a week to 1 for the time being.

The Rundown

Hopefully these 5 tips have helped you get an idea on where to start when it comes to saving money. Each situation is different, so you may need to adjust depending on your income. However, if you apply these tips with your circumstances, you will undoubtedly be better at saving and managing your money!


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