Debt can negatively impact your life if not managed properly. Failing to honour debt obligations will result in collections being listed on your credit report. Declaring bankruptcy successfully will remove collections from your report. You are also free to consult credit repair specialists to help remove collections before declaring bankruptcy. Debt can lead to the break up of a family or even depression. While there are various ways to manage debt, filing for bankruptcy can give you time to get back on your feet. Apart from avoiding auctioneers, filing for bankruptcy can also prolong a foreclosure on your home and keep creditors from bothering you for a period of time. If you find yourself in need of filing for bankruptcy, look for a bankruptcy lawyer to help you with the process. However, it can be challenging to find the best lawyer in Philadelphia. Consider these things when hiring a bankruptcy lawyer in Philadelphia.
- Referrals. The first place to start your search is to use referrals. In the state of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia has the highest number of bankruptcy cases. As such, a friend, family, or someone you know must know a bankruptcy lawyer. Ask your friends or family before settling on one attorney. Seek out information such as the number of bankruptcy cases they have handled. The results may be different, but you can choose the one with the most experience to be more confident of a positive income.
- Experience. While you can work with any licensed bankruptcy lawyer, go for an attorney with more years in this field. Ensure that the highest percentage of the lawyer’s practice is bankruptcy. Also, ensure that your lawyer has the right experience to handle the type of bankruptcy you want to file.
- Â Price. The amount the law firm charges is a determining factor of the lawyer you choose. Remember that you are already struggling to manage your debt. So, paying for an attorney can feel overwhelming. Go for an attorney who understands your position and is willing to offer quality services for a reasonable price. Avoid lawyers who want to cut corners and do not give your case the attention it deserves. Fortunately, most bankruptcy attorneys in Philadelphia charge a flat fee. However, ensure you understand the services that will and will not be covered by the payment of the fee.
- Â Comfort Level. Ensure you feel comfortable with your attorney from the initial consultation. Such lawyers will make it easier to communicate and build trust with. Filing for bankruptcy is an emotional thing and you want a lawyer who will not judge you. Some bankruptcies such as Chapter 13 last for about five years. As such, you need a lawyer whom you can work with during the entire time.
- Â Local Practice. Each bankruptcy court adheres to federal bankruptcy laws. However, every district court has unique local rules and procedures. Choose a bankruptcy lawyer in Philadelphia who understands the local rules and is familiar with the local trustees. Such lawyers will speed up your case since they already know the procedures of your local court.
Although it is never easy to declare bankruptcy, it can be more difficult without the right attorney. Consider the above things to hire a strong attorney for your case.
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