Are you one of those people who keep asking the question; what is cash advance? Well, wonder no more, this piece will help you find the solution. Cash advance loans is another term used to refer to payday loans. Here a consumer in need is given money in advance on an urgent basis and asked to pay after a certain period of time with a considerable amount of interest in mind. Short term loans always come in handy as they can save one from not only a tight financial position but also they can help one avoid costly late fees.
Payday loans work best with zip cash as they provide a consumer with an easier access to their borrowed cash. For one to make the most out of a short term loan, they need to know when to borrow. In most cases, this should be done only when one is in dire need of funding. This way, you’ll be able to repay it when time is due.
This piece will take care of 5 of the best payday loan services that are very active in the market;
a)Â Â Â Â Â PayDay One
What makes PayDay One one of the most favoured short term lending services is its ability to provide quick and efficient services. There offers are quite affordable as the allow consumers to borrow at reasonable rates. A consumer gets to pay about $22.5 for every $100 borrowed. PayDay One allows consumers to borrow money both online and via their mobile phones.
b)Â Â Â Â Â Check City
Check City offers top notch services and takes care of their customers to the best of their ability. They are quick, fair, and convenient and their fees are very much considerable. Customer service at Check City is world class and they treat their customers with utmost respect and honour.
c)      Ace Cash Express Â
Ace Cash Express offers advantage cash services and has managed to build a great reputation in the same. Their 30 second fax-less approval process is meticulous. Immediately after approval, the loan is processed and put in your bank account within a 24 hour period.
d)     Cash Corner Â
With each day, Cash Corner is gaining in popularity. They provide customers with loans of up to $1,000 and they also have a 30 second approval process. Cash gets deposited into your bank account with 1 business day. They also have an excellent customer service.
e)Â Â Â Â Â My Payday Loan
They provide loans of up to $1,000, offer 30 second fax-less process for approving loans and have an awesome customer support system. The only thing making them run short of the other payday loan services is that for them, it takes 2 business days before money can be loaded into your bank account.
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I think April 1st (fools) was a few weeks ago.
IMO no one should use a payday loan service for any reason ever.?
“There offers are quite affordable as they allow consumers to borrow at reasonable rates. A consumer gets to pay about $22.5 for every $100 borrowed”
This has to be a joke right? 22.5% interest and I don’t even think these places base that on a month sometimes this is for 2 weeks or a week and it starts to compound before the embarrassing phone calls to your work start..
Get a small L.O.C., keep it small, use it only when you need it, and pay it back fast.